
Overall: 92


Fastball speed: 139 (22nd)

Curve: 70 (10th)

Charge hit power: 70 (19th)

Charge hit contact: 55 (3rd)

Throwing speed: 70 (18th)

Fielding: 60 (29th)

Speed: 70 (12th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Mario doesn’t always stand out in the Mario spinoff games, but he certainly does in Mario Sluggers. He is good to elite in pretty much every aspect of baseball, as a true 5-tool player. His fast throwing speed, great running speed, and solid chemistry make him an elite outfielder. He also has one of the best curve stats paired with fast pitching, which makes him formidable on the mound. His hitting is bolstered by his solid star swing and home run potential, as well as great contact across the board. You can’t go wrong with Mario on your team, especially when connected to Peach and Daisy, who are other great captains.

Countering his star swing: Mario’s Fire Swing will burn the fielder and bounce off in another direction. To catch this consistently, you can have an outfielder positioned in front of it and attack it when it comes to you. If another fielder is close, they can catch it.

Strengths: Hitting doubles, chemistry with Yoshi, pitching, outfield prowess, close play ability

Weaknesses: Small dive/jump hitbox, small attack range, hits a lot of long fly balls that don’t quite make it out

Best field positions: Corner outfield