
Overall: 73


Fastball speed: 147 (6th)

Curve: 32 (55th)

Charge hit power: 82 (8th)

Charge hit contact: 35 (47th)

Throwing speed: 80 (7th)

Fielding: 35 (59th)

Speed: 20 (65th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Pianta is like a much better Wario. Both have the near-useless Laser Beam ability, which randomly gives the fielder a super-fast throw to home plate, only because they are some of the last players you would ever want to place in the outfield. However, Pianta’s hitting and chemistry are so overwhelmingly better that even with his slow speed, Pianta still comes in at two whole tiers higher.

Strengths: Amazing power + decent contact; Mario chem

Weaknesses: Slow and bobbles a lot

Best field positions: Catcher; 3rd base
