
Overall: 72


Fastball speed: 138 (23rd)

Curve: 58 (17th)

Charge hit power: 40 (51st)

Charge hit contact: 40 (30th)

Throwing speed: 40 (49th)

Fielding: 40 (54th)

Speed: 70 (12th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

For someone with not great power, Noki is actually really useful. She’s got good speed and the ball dash ability. Ball dash is a very underrated ability with the power to completely shut down rundowns. This, combined with her gender, giving her the ability to catch peach’s star swing, makes her an elite infielder. Unfortunately, her utility is somewhat limited otherwise. Still, Mario chemistry gives her a lot of usage on his team.

Strengths: Ball dash, Mario chemistry, pitching

Weaknesses: Lack of power

Best field positions: Anywhere!
