
Overall: 81


Fastball speed: 152 (3rd)

Curve: 13 (71st)

Charge hit power: 98 (1st)

Charge hit contact: 25 (67th)

Throwing speed: 98 (1st)

Fielding: 32 (64th)

Speed: 29 (62nd)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Bowser has a very unique disadvantage in that his list of bad chemistry partners is longer than any other character in the game by far. Guess it doesn’t pay to be a villain! This doesn’t necessarily matter much if you build your team around Bowser, but it makes him pretty inflexible for a lot of team building. His power and offensive prowess (except star swing) is great, and his size and throwing arm makes him actually decent in the field. His chemistry is ridiculous, and the Bowser team is often considered to be the best in the whole game.

Countering his star swing: Just dodge the fire and catch it!

Strengths: Best hitting and throwing power in the game,

Weaknesses: So much bad chemistry, terrible in the field

Best field positions: Catcher