
Overall: 77


Fastball speed: 138 (23rd)

Curve: 60 (14th)

Charge hit power: 60 (31st)

Charge hit contact: 50 (7th)

Throwing speed: 60 (27th)

Fielding: 70 (14th)

Speed: 70 (12th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Luigi may not be as powerful as his brother, but he’s got enough tools to make up for his lack of home run hitting. Not many players have his great speed, fielding stat, and a decent throwing arm. With his super jump and height, he can catch balls nobody else would be able to, and this can come in handy in the outfield at the fence. He’s a great outfielder, but he only has chemistry with Mario and Daisy, so this limits his versatility, and I don’t find myself picking him all that much. However, we’ve found that his star swing is much harder to catch when using nunchuks.

Countering his star swing: Wait until the tornado hitbox runs out and catch the ball. If the tornado hits someone, you’ll take control of them, so make sure to switch characters quickly if that happens.

Strengths: Star swing; fielding

Weaknesses: Lacks power; lacks chemistry

Best field positions: Outfield