
Overall: 71


Fastball speed: 90 (71st)

Curve: 80 (4th)

Charge hit power: 1 (72nd)

Charge hit contact: 80 (1st)

Throwing speed: 40 (49th)

Fielding: 80 (3rd)

Speed: 50 (36th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Waluigi is a weirdo of a character. He’s a zany pitcher, he has the strange charge hit mechanic that we made a video about, and his chemistry is one of the worst in the game, having only Wario and Purple Mii. His star swing is solid but is quite luck-dependent. His quick throw ability is wasted due to his low throwing speed. Waluigi’s hard to place, but we think low B is pretty fair for him.

Countering his star swing: Just hope that the ball bounces near you.

Strengths: Pitching, fielding stat, star swing

Weaknesses: Small dive/jump hitbox, small attack range, hits a lot of long fly balls that don’t quite make it out

Best field positions: Pitcher, 3rd base