Shy Guy

Overall: 65


Fastball speed: 130 (46th)

Curve: 42 (35th)

Charge hit power: 55 (33rd)

Charge hit contact: 40 (30th)

Throwing speed: 55 (31st)

Fielding: 70 (14th)

Speed: 45 (45th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Man, Shy Guy…what an enigma. He’s got by far the strangest chemistry tree, linking Birdo, Boo and Monty Mole. The Monty link isn’t too important, but still, it can lead to some very interesting teams in a drafting scenario. I really like his hitting, too. He has power with a 55 charge hit stat, and his star swing is a low line drive, so he can hit some dingers while also getting on base consistently. He also has a 70 in fielding combined with super dive. It’s not the biggest dive, but it’s good enough to make him a solid infielder.

Strengths: Infield prowess, hitting consistency

Weaknesses: Can’t hit dingers, weird chemistry

Best field positions: Middle infield
