
Overall: 62


Fastball speed: 138 (23rd)

Curve: 41 (41st)

Charge hit power: 50 (36th)

Charge hit contact: 40 (30th)

Throwing speed: 55 (31st)

Fielding: 70 (14th)

Speed: 52 (34th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Next up is the flying version of koopa. Paratroopa is a great fielder. His 70 fielding stat, 55 throwing speed, and floating ability makes him extremely versatile. He also has decent hitting power and a great star swing. So why isn’t he higher? Well, unfortunately, his only chemistry on the bowser team is Bowser, Koopa, and Paragoomba. It’s tougher to fit him on a good team unless you take Koopa as well. But, if you do end up with him on your team, he will perform admirably.

Strengths: Floating ability, fielding stat

Weaknesses: No Bowser Jr chem; middling speed

Best field positions: Anywhere but catcher
