King K Rool

Overall: 77


Fastball speed: 155 (2nd)

Curve: 48 (27th)

Charge hit contact: 18 (72nd)

Charge hit power: 94 (2nd)

Throwing speed: 90 (2nd)

Fielding: 20 (72nd)

Speed: 10 (72nd)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

Ah, King K Rool. We’ve always known he was one of the best power hitters in the game. However, it’s really hard to hit home runs with him against elite pitching. But looking at the stats table, the case is solved; He has the smallest charge hit contact zone in the whole game, with an 18, and nobody else is below 20. If you hit the sweet spot with him, it’ll be a great hit, but it’s really hard to do. He’s also the sole owner of the worst fielding and speed stats in the game, meaning you pretty much have to stick him at catcher. The King Boo and Kritter chemistry is really nice, and even though the Kritter have no other normal chemistry, they do link to 4 different miis, so getting K Rool on your team isn’t as hard as it may seem. Still, K Rool is one of the least versatile players in the game, which keeps him from A tier. Though he can be a decent mixup at pitcher sometimes.

Strengths: 2nd best power in the game

Weaknesses: Small contact; terrible fielding/running

Best field positions: Catcher