Donkey Kong

Overall: 67


Fastball speed: 150 (4th)

Curve: 30 (58th)

Charge hit power: 90 (4th)

Charge hit contact: 30 (63rd)

Throwing speed: 85 (4th)

Fielding: 30 (66th)

Speed: 20 (65th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

DK has amazing power and a pretty decent star swing. But that’s about it. He’s bad pretty much everywhere in the field and his chemistry is awful. No baby DK chem really hurts his links and brown mii only gets him to one of the Kritters. I could even see him dropping lower in the future but he stays C tier for now.

Countering his star swing: You can attack the middle of the barrel, which will hit the ball to a fielder. You can also dive into it from the side with someone like Kritter. You can also just back way up and wait until the barrel hitbox goes away and then catch the ball.

Strengths: Hitting dingers

Weaknesses: Awful contact zone, extremely strikeout prone, terrible fielder

Best field positions: Catcher