
Overall: 76


Fastball speed: 132 (42nd)

Curve: 89 (1st)

Charge hit power: 30 (64th)

Charge hit contact: 55 (3rd)

Throwing speed: 30 (68th)

Fielding: 32 (64th)

Speed: 44 (48th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

At this point, Boo is solidified as the best pitcher in the game. We’ve discovered in the stats that he has a curve stat of 89! The second highest is 81 by the Magikoopas, and if you pitch as him it’s easy to see why. He’s just unhittable most of the time. He is a weak batter, but this helps his curvy star swing drop before the outfielders. His chemistry links are pretty great, and with his decent speed and floating, he’s a good outfielder when paired with King Boo, Blooper, or even both.

Strengths: Top tier pitching; connects Bowser teams with King Boo/Petey

Weaknesses: Weak arm and bat

Best field positions: Pitcher