
Overall: 95


Fastball speed: 147 (6th)

Curve: 38 (45th)

Charge hit power: 78 (13th)

Charge hit contact: 40 (30th)

Throwing speed: 80 (7th)

Fielding: 70 (14th)

Speed: 50 (36th)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

We’ve recently begun to appreciate Birdo more and more, and it’s easy to see why. Her chemistry is unparalleled in that she is the only character in the game aside from Miis to connect the “good” and “evil” clans of characters. She is an incredible fielder with her super dive and is the crown jewel of the best outfield in the game, which is composed of her and two Yoshis. Overall, she is one of the best defensive players in the game. Her main weaknesses have to do with hitting, as she has an awful star swing and generally hits line drives, but paired with a decent offensive item she can still do great things.

Countering her star swing: Simply move out of the way of the egg and dive for the ball.

Strengths: Power; arm strength; chemistry with Yoshi and Petey; infield prowess

Weaknesses: Terrible star swing

Best field positions: Shortstop, 2nd base