Baby Luigi

Overall: 40


Fastball speed: 119 (63rd)

Curve: 60 (14th)

Charge hit power: 20 (71st)

Charge hit contact: 35 (47th)

Throwing speed: 20 (71st)

Fielding: 50 (35th)

Speed: 80 (3rd)

Good Chemistry:

Bad Chemistry:

The winner of the worst character in the game award this time around is Baby Luigi. With the exact stats datamined, we’ve been able to see that he’s by far the weakest character in the whole game. He’s dead last in throwing speed, with a stat of 20 compared to 30 for the other weak characters. Same story with charge hit and slap hit power. In the past, we’ve used him and baby mario in the outfield with yoshi in center, since he does have great speed, but his bad throwing arm makes that a pretty bad idea. He has super jump, but that hardly helps him in the field because he’s so short; a close play ability would be more useful. As a pitcher, his stamina is the worst in the game, and his curve is just average. Like other weak characters, his saving grace is his star swing, but other than that, there’s no reason to pick him over other babies or even any other character in the whole game.

Strengths: Speed, star swing, Yoshi chemistry

Weaknesses: Weakest character in the game

Best field positions: Outfield